
Saitama Children's Zoo

It's been a while since I went to a zoo last time. The last time was Toronto zoo on a really hot summer day. The park was huge and I remember walking on sun-reflective burning asphalt made me just thirsty, tired and feel like I was the one in a cage being watched by surrounding animals.

So I didn't expect much about visiting Saitama Children's Zoo but I found the zoo quite attractive. The park is huge as well but it's located among trees so it gives us nice shade and refreshing atmosphere. And the animals! Many of them are my favorites like capibaras, prairie dogs and slothes. Fun.


They do also have Beatrix Potter museum which suddenly appears with English-garden like looking in the zoo.
大きな自然公園の中にピーターラビット資料館。イギリスにあるoriginal museumと同じ外観の資料館を入るといきなり身なりの整った学芸員らしき人にわらわらと囲まれる。たった今まで広大な動物園でほっぽかれ,たまに長靴の飼育員にすれ違うくらいだったので激しく違和感。

動物園にはasia-pacific areaだったり,熱帯的な鳥を集めたareaがあったり。Englandの雰囲気味わえたり,避暑地的な雰囲気味わえたり。kidsが多いのでもちろん日本の行楽地的な雰囲気もたっぷりで,なんだか色々お得な気分になれ,ちょっとコーフン。

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