
Aug update

It's been such a long time since I updated my blog last time...

There is a one side of me thinking it is unfair that I have no time for myself anymore while another me thinking I maybe have to be thankful that I have someone to whom I can spend most of time for.
Doing household things from early in the morning to late after work makes me think like "I'm not a housemaid!", but I also think like hmmmm, I've been doing not so bad. I can act as if I am a good house wife. Pretty well, eh?

It's all matter of the balance.

If one person gets too much load while the other don't do anything, it's totally unfair.  The balance will be collapsed in the end, I bet.
There is a need both person tries to get closer, help each other, or at least an effort to show a hint of such attitude.
That makes much difference, that's what I thought.

Trying to have a fun in a everyday's routine workload.  Baking.

Healthy Biscottiを焼く。安売りしていたcurrent raisinとチョコ入り。やはりアーモンドパウダーを入れないと理想とするほどのカリッカリにはならないけど,まあコーヒーに浸して食べる必要のないビスコッティといっ たところかな。退職予定の友人へのおやつとして。

トルコ旅行中にやたらはまったrice pudding.どうしてもそれがまた食べたくなって作成。まあまあ似たような味が出来たけど,とろっとろ感が足りない。コーンスターチの入れ過ぎでしょうか。また,もっと焼き色が付くくらいまで焼いた方がもっと本場物っぽいはず。次回こそ。


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