

this is a pic from my elementary school mate's wedding party. the bride looks soo pretty, doesn't she? she was wearing her mom's hand-knitted wedding dress and it was so nice on her.

I went to the wedding party with my friends from elementary school so it was more a reunion than a wedding party. we just kept eating, drinking and talking....we had really good time there and hope we didn't spoil the party's atmosphere.

花嫁、花婿そっちのけでおしゃべりに花を咲かせながら、みんなでお皿にこんもりお料理を盛って食べた食べた。立食形式のくせにあんなにお腹いっぱいになるって一体どういうことなんでしょ。普通結婚式といえば出会いの場なのにぃ。友達同士で固まって異様なオーラ出してたような、ごめんなさい。でもhappy wedding!

after one party is done, another party is coming! we just moved on to ropponngi to join other friends' party. Roppongi is an entertainment district so many foreigners get together. it was almost like I was back in Canada. much diversity over there. i could hear people speaking English, French and others...どうしてみんな六本木ばかり集まるんだろう。

it was fun but clubbing in japan costs a little expensive and it is too crowded! I couldn't even breath being mobbed by so many dancing ppl. ほんと死ぬかと思った。i felt odd to see so many ppl around 2 am but now i remembr richmond st& john st in toronto was like that too. universal.


4 件のコメント:

yantastic さんのコメント...

i want to see what you finally decided to wear to the wedding! must be cute too!

marlee さんのコメント...

hi! i didn't take photo of mine.... it's okay, i wore a just classic type of one-piece dress. i'm gonna wear the dress i wore at the college royal for this weekend's another wedding party!

yantastic さんのコメント...

hahahaha, u mean the pink one which has lots of cotton balls attached to it? cute...
I love your friend's wedding dress, beautiful indeed.

marlee さんのコメント...

heyyyy, i'm not talking about that pink dress though i still love it. pretty in pink, eh? i was about to wear the chocolate colored dress but i found that i got job interview on that day! wonder what to wear...