
another wedding party

terakoya french
Originally uploaded by japanadagirl.
I've joined another wedding party of my friend from university. so i had two wedding parties in a row in 2 weeks. and already have 3 reservasation of my friends' wedding parties in the next year. happy happy weddings everywhere! except here. oh well i won't complain. i don't even put much effort in that and i don't deserve the complaint, haha.

the wedding was awesome. i went as a side of bridegroom's friends and i could tell he was so nervous. but who can't be nervous facing the moment of the biggest ceremony in life? i get nervous even at the job interview. getting nervous at the wedding ceremony makes more sense.
(ところでこの間求職活動中に面接を受けたのですが、面接中に「英語が得意だそうですね。じゃあ"面接でとても緊張しています”と英語で言ってください」といきなり言われてしまった。それなのにi'm really nervousという言葉が出てこない!もう完全に日本語にもなっているのにぃ。で、i'm really getting stressed out at the job interviewと答えた。直訳すると「面接でストレス感じてます」。言った途端、やばいかな~と思ったのですが結果的にはokだったみたいです。よかった、よかった。

after the wedding ceremony was done solemnly in a church, we moved to gorgeous banquet place to have bridal reception. 坂の上に立てられた洋館(素敵な日本風家屋も併設)で武蔵野が見渡せいいところでした。全部で60人くらいの披露宴だったのですがそれくらいが多すぎもせず少なすぎもせず良いと思います。家族、友達皆合わせて祝っている雰囲気があふれてて良いお式でした。i'm glad i could share the moment of happiness by being there. so who's the next?

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