


rich strawberry short cake from wittamar. why didn't i take the photo of the whole cake? anyways the freshcream taste so rich and of course i made a wish before I blew the candles. isn't it wonderful to have an occasion to realize that there is always someone caring for me? someone who can care about others have a lot more ppl who care about him in return.
my resolution for this year: to be a 器の広いあったか~い人でしょうか。難しそうだけど。

忙しくても週末も色々予定を詰めたりして、なんだか充実している感じもします。though at the same time there is always a time i feel like" is it okay to be like this? am i spending this routine forever days after days?" i know most of the ppl around me are having this kind of quiestions to themselves so what matters is how you can be content or happy about your life.

それなりにプラス志向でいられるというのは有難いけど、それでも満足度を高める努力はしないとね。keeping balance for everything is really important to spend your life comfortably. no play makes jack dullがあるなら勿論no study makes 太郎 dullもあるわけで。だから勉強による自己満足も必要なのでしょう。

だからadded resolutions:新聞と読書。

reserve the bottle, please!

made a debut in " bottle-keep" at a bar for the first time in 29 years!
this is 焼酎 zabou I've never tried before and i found it good though it tastes too strong on the rock.

this place is homey near my place and that means it's also close to National Noh Theatre. so I found my favorite actor's name keeping his bottle at the bar too! they serve sophisticated 和食 so no wonder that many noh and kyougen actors come by this place.

it's a little embarrasing that I've never watched 能 despite the closeness to the theatre but for some reason i like kabuki much better.
seems i won't help falling asleep while watching that calm, tranquil(dull) and uneasy to understand japanese traditional art so i might start from kyogen.




Originally uploaded by japanadagirl


calla lily

calla lily
Originally uploaded by japanadagirl
callas, one of my favorite flowers. these are wedding flowers from my dear high school friend. white one is so popular in Japan but I've never seen this color. Is this orange? maybe the one called rust color.

Rust は日本語に訳すとさび色になるのかな?
really nice color.
filamentだのhug meだのlustだの。




round 2

wedding rush round 2.
one on this weekend and one on the next weekend.

the next one is to be held in Italy!
long long away from here, but how can I miss this opportunity? real Italian wedding in Parma!
I managed to get 6 days summer vacation, so I'm going to Italy in a week or so. really exciting.
でもちょっとtight schedule. 21日にパルマ出身の友達の結婚式にお呼ばれしましたが、始まるのが夜。絶対朝まで続くんだろうな~。それで22日の早朝にRomeに出る飛行機をとってしまったので、トランクを会場に持ってくべきくらいの勢いなのでしょうか?日本無事に帰れるかな。

but I already got wedding gift for her! I know she likes japanese pottery much, I went to takashimaya to get any good one though I'm not so familiar with porcelain. でもみてるだけで面白い。和食器全然詳しくないですが、九谷焼と京焼は好きです。

so i was just browsing around and I found good one! Kutaniyaki from 海野裕さん。it's a big plate fitting both pasta and pizza. has color combination of blue and red, and hope it's her taste. 昔話に出てくるような雷様のマーク。味のある雰囲気を出していて可愛らしい。はるばる海を越えていきます。染付けでは伊藤若冲の野菜のモチーフをもとにされたというプレートがあり、個人的にかなり欲しかったのですが、さすがに2枚買う余裕なし。

okay, anyways i'm done with one thing to be done. buying a gift. but still more things to do. まずはホテルを予約しなければ。