

I know it sounds kind of late but I went to watch "pirates of the caribbean: deadman's chest" and I loved it. The special effects were amazing and Johnny Depp did great in this movie too (he is one of the greatest actor of all times. anyone know any movie in which he acted poorly? maybe one of my "not-so-favorite movies" with him is "From Hell" or "Blow", but it's just because the story is gloomy. it is not his fault).

This movie is long (2.5 hrs) and I remind you of going to washroom before it starts. you don't want to miss any scene. I felt like going to washroom even before reaching to the last half but I just kept my patience. ちょっと辛かったね。
Some plots seemed not necessary to the main story (like parts involved with hannibals) but you'll enjoy even those irrelevant parts. a lot of fun.

If you hadn't seen the first one it is highly recommended to see it before you watch "the deadman's chest". Many plots are connected to the first one and you'll understand and enjoy the story more. In "Curse of the Black Pearls", Orland Bloom was not standing out enough before Johnny Depp's world but he is doing a lot better this time.

So this is one of best movies of the year. either boys or girls, youngs or olds would enjoy this (maybe it would be too scary for little kids though). Only a few regrettable things about this movie: it comes from Disney (too narrow outlook on things, do you think?) and I have to wait the sequence till next summer.

でもいつも思うのだけどこの頃は映画の邦題もそのまま英語をカタカナ表記するものが多いのね。あまり好きじゃない。絶対”カリブの海賊”といったように訳すほうがしっくりくると思います。昔の方が”風と共に去りぬ”とか”ダイヤルMを廻せ”といった感じで上手く訳したりひねったものが多かった気が。まあ、確かCharlie Sheenだったか誰だかの出てる映画で”野獣教師”という映画があってその訳もどうかと思うけど(原題知りません)、でも最近で好きだった訳は"ミニミニ大作戦”。原題では"the italian job"だけどmini cooperを使うシーンによく似合う邦題だと思う。でもこれリメイクらしいです・・・・ということは最近訳された題ではないのか。

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johnny depp!