In Japan, going to "お化け屋敷"(something like Horror House or Haunted Mansion) in summer time is popular cause it can make you feel "chilly". As this event was to be closed this weekend I went to Kourakuen(後楽園) with my friends to try お化け屋敷.
I'd never been to this kind of horror house before. Of course there is a Haunted Mansion in Tokyo Disney Land and I love going there but it is totally different thing. Hauted Mansion in TDL is more cheerful and less scary (by the way isn't the uniform from the Haunted Mansion so pretty? If I ever had a chance to work in TDL I would definitely like to work there. The uniform from Star Tours seems the least attractive to me).
The TDL one is more fantasy-like, but Japanese traditional horror house is damn scary cause they use real-human as actors. It's the fear comes from bang or real body contact but not from creeps.
This summer they had particular theme for the attraction. "呪いの黒髪屋敷(Black long hair cursed house? if translated literally)". Imagine a house with the concept from the movie "Ring". Then that is the one. There are so many creatures with long black hair like 貞子 in the picture above everywhere in the dark tiny space and the task you have to pass is comb their hair. otherwise you can't go forward.
but it was fun. since it was weekend we had to lineup almost one hour and I wonder if it's worth to that long waiting time but it is an experience.
やはりでもお化けというのはかなり国々の文化というものが出る。ドラキュラとかフランケンシュタインというのは非日常的で全く怖くないけど、日本のお化けはあの長い黒髪の気持ち悪さとか日常の感覚に訴えてくるものがあるとおもう。日本の家固有の狭さとかもね。どこで出てきても逃げる事が出来ない。海外のscary movieなんてみんな豪邸で起きてる事件なのに何故か皆3階の奥の部屋に逃げたりとかして、それはおかしいでしょ。
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